Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Harvest Fest Trivia

As we enter the harvest season, we recognize the universal need to celebrate, give thanks, and acknowledge our dependence on the fruits of the earth. People all over the world commemorate harvest time with festivals. How much do you know about harvest festivals from around the world? Test your knowledge with these harvest festival questions pulled together by art teacher and Global Explorers Kids board member Amy Vecchioni.

1. Homowo is a harvest festival rooted in the Ga peoples' travel westward. After harvesting their crops they celebrate Homowo - literally, "hooting at hunger" - because the years of famine are over. This festival is celebrated in:
A. Jordan
B. Lao
C. Ghana

2. Holi is a harvest festival that celebrates the love story of Krishna and Radha. Often during processionals, figures of Krishna and Radha are sitting on a swing of flowers. People celebrate Holi by throwing red and blue powder at each other. Sometimes they even throw water. This festival is celebrated in:
A. Cambodia
B. Nepal
C. India

3. The Green Corn Festival is a festival of thanksgiving and forgiveness. The first few days are known as Busk - a period of fasting. After the Busk, people celebrate by eating corn, corn tortillas, corn soup, and corn bread. This festival is celebrated by the:
A. Maya
B. Creek
C. Inuit

4. Argungu is a fishing harvest festival. A one-mile stretch of the Argungu River is protected all year long so that everyone can fish for 45 minutes and have an amazing harvest. Canoe races and diving competitions culminate the event. This festival is celebrated in:
A. Nigeria
B. Vietnam
C. Peru

5. The Harvest Moon Festival's origins are a mystery. The tale that accompanies this festival is that Chang Er swallowed a pill to turn into a fairy to escape the pursuit of her husband. It is said that we can see Chang Er in the full moon. The mmon is the symbol of abundance, harmony, and luck. Families celebrate with picnics and moon cakes. The Harvest Moon Festival is celebrated in:
A. Korea
B. China
C. The Philippines

6. Nubaigai is a festival that celebrates a good harvest with a processional. A harvest wreath is carried on a plate with a white linen cloth. The procession sings an old song about how they rescued the crop from a huge bison that tried to devour it. This festival is celebrated in:
A. Lithuania
B. Canada
C. Pakistan

7. Crop Over is a harvest festival featuring an effigy known as Mr. Harding. He is made from trash and wears a top hat, coat, and mask. He symbolizes the cruel gang drivers and the hard times until next crop. Crop Over is celebrated in:
A. Dominican Republic
B. Jamaica
C. Barbados

8. The symbols of Kwanzaa, rooted in Pan-African harvest festivals, are a straw mat, fruits and vegetables, a kinara (seven-branched candle holder), an ear of corn, gifts, the unity cup, and seven candles. What color are the candles?
A. red, black, and yellow
B. red, green, and black
C. red, black, and green

9. This Harvest Festival is celebrated to honor the Tree of Life, the root of all things. The story that accompanies the celebration is that the spirit of the trees could be captured by making use of its branches. Amate, bark paper, is used to paint harvest scenes. Adam and Eve are often painted on amate paper. This harvest festival is celebrated in:
A. Guatemala
B. Mexico
C. Colombia

10. Trung Tru is a harvest festival that focuses on children. In folklore, parents believed that the children had to play by themselves during the growing season. This mid-autumn festival is an opportunity for parents to show their love and appreciation for their children. It is celebrated in:
A. Vietnam
B. China
C. Japan

11.The first American Thanksgiving was a harvest festival celebrated by the Native Americans and the Pilgrims. In addition to foods from the recent harvest, the Native Americans gave the Pilgrims:
A. clothes for winter
B. wood for their fires
C. seeds for spring

12. Yagan Orimi is a harvest festival where people offer prayers not only for a good harvest but for the safe delivery of infants. Yagan Orimi is celebrated in:
A. Japan
B. Malaysia
C. Macedonia

13. The Lavender Festival is a harvest festival that celebrates the lavender crops of the region. This is an educational festival that is filled with perfume demonstrations, distillation workshops, and harvesting showcases. It is celebrated in:
A. Australia
B. France
C. Scotland

14. The Feast of St. Martin of Tours was first held in honor of the Hungarian Saint that, as legend goes, hid in a barn when he heard that he had been appointed bishop. He didn't think he deserved such an honor. The legend says that his hiding place was given away by a honking goose, so each year this harvest festival is celebrated by cooking a roasted goose. The feast is held in:
A. Poland
B. The Netherlands
C. Belgium

15. The festival of Sukkot lasts for seven days. It has three special tree branches - a palm, a willow, and a myrtle - that symbolize uprightness, humility, and faithfulness. Sukkot is celebrated in:
A. Wales
B. Ukraine
C. Israel

16. Lammas is the celebration of bread. It is a festival that thanks nature for its wheat harvest and asks for a safe winter. Lammas is celebrated in:
A. Ireland
B. France
C. Finland

17. In Germany there is a famous harvest festival that celebrates the cowherds returning from the mountains. The animals are adorned with flowers and the first straws of hay are hung over the doors of barns with the saying "This is food for the dead." Another famous German harvest festival is:
A. KristKindl
B. Oktoberfest
C. Fasching

answers: 1. C, 2. C, 3. B, 4. A, 5. B, 6. A, 7. C, 8. B, 9. B, 10. A, 11. C, 12. A, 13. A, 14. B, 15. C, 16. A, 17. B

For more information on harvest festivals around the world, visit harvestfestivals.net and Family Culture.